Montag, 23. März 2020

Days like yesterday in February 2020

 As I control the flock first thing in the morning, there are two new mothers, one with twins. This means, she and her babies have to go into the barn, so we have a better view on them.
But for now, the little bellies are round and the mom is very caring, so no hurry.

I collect the fences from the day before and go, build them up further down the road. A very hilly, slippery place. 10 fences, one has 50m.
I haven't eaten enough last evening, so I get a little dizzy and am really happy to come home for dinner. I also need to put more air on one of the back tiers of the car, it flattens so fast, I do this twice a day. After this I want to leave the farm again, this time with the trailer. Because of the one way road, I don't want to use the big one for horses. But the little sheep trailer has one of his walls down. So I use some rope and fix it for now, off we go.
First thing at the flock is turning the car.

There is a small forest cross road up. I think, if I hit it really fast, I should get far enough up, so I can turn the car with the trailer backward.
But no.
The car stopes to soon, just to much mudd.
Now, I'm happy to just have the small trailer. This one I can turn by hand.
As I loosen it from the car, I can't hold it and it rolls down, stops in the deep groove.
All my struggles to turn the trailer fail.
But there is enough room to turn the car and just enough space to pass in between trailer and trees.
Yeah! The car is in the right direction!

Now I can fix car and trailer together with a rope I always have in my pocket, pull.

It works!
I get the trailer in the right position to hitch it to the car.

Where is the mom with the twins?
In the morning, she was right beside the road. 

Now, I can't see here anywhere and have to assume, she made her way through the hedges, up the hill.
I leave the dogs in the car, don't want to disturb the sheep, and climb the slope.
There they are. Normally, I take the lambs and the mother follows. But this is a young mom and no, she doesn’t trust me, won't come along.
So I take the two lambs and the third of the other new mom and slide down the slippery hillside. Meanwhile calling the flock to follow me.
Without the dogs? Why should we?
No way!!
So I place the lambs by the trailer and let the dogs out.
The flock on the hillside isn't visible to us, to much hedges. I can't send the dogs in blind, they would crash into the flock, the sheep would panic and run down the fence on top of the slope. So happy to have a reason to enter the green and totally forbidden farmland there.
So I have to climb the hill again, push the flock down.

Now the mom. You never get a running sheep, way to fast for you.
With the help of the dogs, I gather the flock near the car.
Where is the mother? There!
Now I run, other sheep block her escape and I can catch her, drag her to the trailer.
Look, here are your babies, all fine.

The flock meanwhile is already really impatient to get to new pasture.
Yeah, we are going now, come, come!
And they do. Actually they want to be fast, but no! We have to go slowly, so the other new mom and her baby don't get lost.

It works fine and the sheep are happily grazing on their new plane.
Me and the dogs walk back, time to climb the slope again, taking down fences.

I feel like Daryl Dixon, just that I'm not that stupid to shoot me with my own crossbow.
Ok, I see that this isn't really counting.

But I'm still happy as I have all 13 fences down and can finally drive home.

 It's getting dark after all and the mom with her twins need some place in the barn.
This is one of those days, where I'm that exhausted, that I feel shaky.
But work is done, I get a hot shower, a cold beer and a delicious meal.
A kingdom for bed and sleep.

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